Maple Furniture



Furniture is a collective term used to refer to the group of movable objects that support the body, provide storage, hold objects above the ground or contain smaller items. Furnitures can be used for functional as well as decorative purposes. Domestic furnitures provide comfortable working spaces. Ever since the existence of non-nomadic cultures, furnitures have been a part of our lives. The earliest evidence of furnitures can be found in the paintings of archaeological sites. There are various materials used to make furnitures. The most common one is wood. Maple wood has about 120 varieties of broad leaf trees and shrubs. Most maple trees grow in temperate climates. Maple leaves grow in pairs on opposing ends of a branch. Every maple leaf has several lobes. The maple wood is hard and strong and is a very good choice for making instruments as well as furnitures.

Qualities of Maple

Maple wood is close-grained, hard and fine textured. The sapwood of maple is light colored whereas the heartwood is light brown. The grain figure is beautiful in a subdued way. The grains are uniform and interesting. Almost all kinds of maple wood is white in color. Maple is good for enamel finishes due to its even, close grained texture and uniform color and absorption. Regular oiling of maple wood results in a darkened color.

Maple wood is affected by many fungal diseases. It is used to make guitar necks. Using maple wood provides resonance and a lighter weight than many other varieties of wood.

Characteristics of Maple Furnitures

Maple furnitures have a good finish and also stain very well. Some of the figured wood furnitures show variable levels of penetration. Maple furnitures always have a light or natural finish. Soft maple furnitures take stains better than hard maples. Soft maple wood furnitures can be stained to resemble other woods like cherry, walnut or more expensive woods. Maple wood darkens or mellows at a very slow rate. Thus maple wood furnitures maintain their original appearance for a long time. The grain of maple wood furnitures is usually straight grained. At times the grains show special grain patterns. The most sought after grain patterns in maple furnitures are; birdseye pattern, curly pattern and blister figure. Dark stained maple furnitures exhibit uneven levels of penetration. Maple furnitures with stains have the stain in the finish and not in the wood. This is because maple wood is so dense that it does not absorb stain evenly. Even if the finish of the furniture wears off, maple wood furnitures hardly have dents, gouges or scratches. In spite of all these characteristics, maple furniture is quite cheap and is an excellent choice as furniture wood.

Following are the potential manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of maple furniture