Radha Krishna Paintings

Krishna Adorning Radha Miniature Painting Radha and Krishna - the archetypal symbol of transcendental love - is one of the most favorite and hugely used themes of Indian paintings. Delineating in lines and colors are the forms and charms of this divine duo. Crafts in India, your trusted online handicrafts store, has an amazing collection of Radha Krishna paintings belonging to different Schools of Indian painting. There are famous Miniature paintings depicting Lord Krishna and his lilas,

Patachitras, adhbani Paintings and others. Scenes of Krishna with Gopis engrossed in the dance of love or Rasalila, Krishna with Radha and many more such images have been depicted in line and color, seen through the creative eye of the painter.

Of special interest will be the series of Radha Krishna Miniature Paintings. Here we find them involved in various intriguing acts of love and enticement. At times Radha asks Krishna to arrange her tresses, and at others, Krishna himself adorns his beloved. Radha is seen complaining to her companions about her longing for Krishna. Moods are in plenty and so are the mesmerizing miniatures. They are exquisite and invaluable. Available in a variety of colors and style, these traditional Radha Krishna paintings are priceless in beauty and heritage. Browse through the sections on Radha Krishna paintings and collect them at your wish

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Explore the colors and images of incredible India at this rare online gallery of Indian Paintings, consisting magnificent Madhubani paintings, mysterious Warli paintings, Patachitras, Tribal Paintings, Thangka Paintings and also contemporary Indian art paintings.