Buy Painting

Paintings Buy paintings online from the fascinating galley of Crafts in India. Craft in India has an wonderful collection of beautiful Indian paintings . Thoroughly researched and gathered from the far and wide corners of the country, these paintings are the repositories of Indian culture and artistic heritage. Famous Indian paintings like Miniature paintings , Glass painting , Madhubani paintings , Warli paintings , Phad painting ,

Batik , Patachitra , and a host of other treasured forms are on show at Crafts in India.

Browse through galaxy of handmade Indian paintings gathered from traditional talented artists.
These exquisite pieces of Indian art are unparallel in beauty and priced as unique object de art. In lines and colors, they speak of India. Their beauty and aesthetic quality make them ideal for your home decoration. Even for your business lounge, they will work magic! So, try this unique charm, buy paintings from India and be ready for the loads of compliment that you are going to get.

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Explore the colors and images of incredible India at this rare online gallery of Indian Paintings, consisting magnificent Madhubani paintings, mysterious Warli paintings, Patachitras, Tribal Paintings, Thangka Paintings and also contemporary Indian art paintings.