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Blessing Buddha

8 x 6 x 4 Inches
This figurine is the brass representation of Buddha. There is an everlasting placidness and composure on his face. Sitting on the big lotus podium, his right hand is raised in the gesture of blessing the abhaya mudra while the left one is kept at the navel height holding a pot. There is plenty of graceful artwork on the surface of the robe put on by Buddha. You may see multiple linear designs, leave patterns and geometrical representations enriching the surface of the robe. His eyes are closed in eternity and curly hair and elongated ears are portrayed effectively.
About Buddha
Gautama Buddha was born a prince of the powerful Sakya clan in northern India in 543 B.C. Surrounded by luxury during his youth, he was shocked into reflecting on man's condition in the world, at the sight of a destitute man, a corpse and an ascetic. He renounced his wealth and family and became a seeker of the truth. After years of penance and meditation he gained enlightenment and came to be known as the Buddha or “The Enlightened One."
About Buddha
Gautama Buddha was born a prince of the powerful Sakya clan in northern India in 543 B.C. Surrounded by luxury during his youth, he was shocked into reflecting on man's condition in the world, at the sight of a destitute man, a corpse and an ascetic. He renounced his wealth and family and became a seeker of the truth. After years of penance and meditation he gained enlightenment and came to be known as the Buddha or “The Enlightened One."